Tuesday, April 17, 2012

O - Optimisitic

A fearless southern girl is . . .

She expects good things to happen. A rainy day in Georgia doesn't get her down, because she knows the sun will shine tomorrow. Positive thinking turns around a world of troubles.

This post is part of the annual A to Z Blog Challenge. Click the link to visit other participating blogs. Consider joining the 2013 April A to Z Challenge. My participation in the 2011 Challenge resulted in the ABC Book of Literary Devices, available from Amazon.com:


Unknown said...

Optimism is crucial to a healthy and happy life IMHO, but it is also a choice and sometimes we have to be fearless to make the choice to be optimistic because it can be hard!

Michelle :)

Brianna said...

I'm definitely a pessimist who continually struggles to focus on the bright side.