Monday, April 23, 2012

T - Talented

A fearless southern girl is . . .

She possesses special gifts and abilities. This doesn't necessarily mean she can sing, dance, or twirl a baton, though she likely can. It simply means she has identified something, or a few things, at which she is adept, and she has honed her skills through persistence and practice and reading and rehearsal and commitment. She actively engages in using her talent(s), and though she would not brag, neither would she diminish her exceptional gift in the eyes of others.

This post is part of the annual A to Z Blog Challenge. Click the link to visit other participating blogs. Consider joining the 2013 April A to Z Challenge. My participation in the 2011 Challenge resulted in the ABC Book of Literary Devices, available from


Kittie Howard said...

Hi, frenamie, thanks for stopping by! Know what you mean about the home team pulling the heart strings. A near and dear relative went to A&M. OMG, what a tough pill to swallow. But blood triumphed. Hey, should be a great SEC season this year. I'm pretty passive about sports until It Gets To This Time Of The Year. Hope LSU can cross the 50 yard line the first quarter, grrr!

Brianna said...

To this day, I can only list everything I have NO talent at. Pretty sad and definitely un-southern ;)

Lynn said...

I like your theme for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. And your are right - talent doesn't have to mean that you plan the piano, etc., I do nothing like that, but am certainly talented in other ways, such as making good pimento cheese and making delightful conversation. :)

Thanks for coming by my blog - I live in Atlanta, but am originally from Milledgeville, Georgia - also off I-20 (but down-a-ways.)

Lynn said...

I mean play the piano, not plan. Not talented at proofreading apparently. :)

Jessica L. Celaya said...

Excellent post. There needs to be more fearless southern girls in the world. I need to remember my roots.

Shannon @I Survived and Now I Run said...

My talent...hmm, oh I can speed read, does that count? ha ha..and I can fall just standing still, but I don't think clumsiness those talents! Thanks for sharing