Saturday, April 7, 2012

G - Gracious

A fearless southern girl is . . .

She takes mercy on others and treats them with benevolence and kindness. A gracious hostess never remarks to her guest, or anyone else, for that matter, that the guest is under-dressed, overly late or in error any way. She is quick to fogive oversights and lack of knowledge. She welcomes with unsoaring kindness all who enter her home. She applies no blame or fault where it is not due or honestly earned.

This post is part of the annual A to Z Blog Challenge. Click the link to visit other participating blogs. Consider joining the 2013 April A to Z Challenge. My participation in the 2011 Challenge resulted in the ABC Book of Literary Devices, available from


Jessica L. Celaya said...

Excellent post. These are things I should remember.

Anita said...

Thanks for your post & I'm loving how different all the A-Z Challenge posts are :)

Heather Murphy said...

I have to admit, this is one of my weaknesses, but I continue to press on. Thanks for the reminder as I have houseguests arriving for the holiday :)

Sharkbytes said...

Good information for a Yankee! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

Grammy said...

Hi, great post on graciousness. Southern ladies are best at it. :)
Best regards to you. Ruby