Thursday, April 12, 2012

K - Kind

A fearless southern girl is . . .

She shows compassion and benevolence to those around her. She does not perpetuate gossip. More than that, she protects the subject of it by pointing out fallacious words to the their utterers. She speaks kindly of her neighbors and her mother-in=law. She looks for the good everyone and strives to bring it out in each person she meets. Her words are tender. Her actions are helpful.

This post is part of the annual A to Z Blog Challenge. Click the link to visit other participating blogs. Consider joining the 2013 April A to Z Challenge. My participation in the 2011 Challenge resulted in the ABC Book of Literary Devices, available from


Bish Denham said...

I would like to hope/believe these qualities would be in all of us. Very nice.

Sonia Lal said...

That's how people should act, yeah, with kindness!

Sonia Lal, A to Z challenge

Jessica L. Celaya said...

Kindness is important. Thanks for the reminder!