Friday, April 6, 2012

F - Friendly

A fearless southern girl is . . .

She provides approval, support, and help to those around her. To her child who voluntarily cleaned his room and made his bed, though not perfectly, she gives specific compliments in regard to what he did well. To the taxed teacher who needs to know she's making a difference, she says thank you for taking personal interest in the students and sends in supplies enough to last to the end of the year. For the older man trying to get his groceries into the trunk of his car without letting his cart roll away, she stops, holds the handle and, to help him save face, asks if she can take it into the store when he is finished.

This post is part of the annual A to Z Blog Challenge. Click the link to visit other participating blogs. Consider joining the 2013 April A to Z Challenge. My participation in the 2011 Challenge resulted in the ABC Book of Literary Devices, available from

1 comment:

nutschell said...

values as a theme. a very creative approach to the A-Z!
