Tuesday, April 19, 2011

100 Things I Love - 3s 56-60

Every southern girl, every girl at all, for that matter, should be able to name 100 things. Not just any 100 things, but 100 important things. Like 100 places she wants to visit, 100 people she admires, 100 things she wants to accomplish in the next ten years.

For the month of April, I'm listing 100 Things I Love:
     56. Colored pencils.
     57. A breeze rustling the trees.
     58. Screened porches.
     59. Strands of white lights.
     60. Attending dinner parties.

I challenge you to play along with this game. Take out your Book of Lists and record your 100 things. If you work along with me, by the end of the month, you'll have a new appreciation for yourself and your niche. You'll also have a new challenge: To cross off each of those 100 places you want to visit or goals you want to accomplish or people you want to meet. I'll work on crossing off making time in each day for one of the things I love.

Is there any better way to live fearlessly than to face up to a double challenge?

What's the theme of your 100 Things list?

1 comment:

Mike said...

Fearlessly? I'm afraid I'm not southern, and I'm not a girl. That makes me a northern boy, but I like most of the things on your list as well as you do(except sushi)!
Maybe I should start a list for guys, if you didn't mind a little idea piracy.