Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Living Fearlessly to Fight Breast Cancer

After reading Tuck Your Skirt In Your Panties and Run, Phyllis posted this on my FaceBook wall:

Lucy, just wanted to let you know I love your book, TUCK YOUR SKIRT IN YOUR PANTIES AND RUN! I have almost finished it and I want you to know the story on pages 47 & 48 really inspired me. In fact you inspired me so much that I shaved my head, but not for money, for support of my sister-in-law who has breast cancer. When I saw your picture and you looked so great, I knew I could do it too. Thank you so much for sharing your gift of writing, sense of humor and inspiration. Keep up the good work!!!
Love, Phyllis
Phyllis's is the face of fearlessness.


What will you do today to live a fearless life?

Find out more about joining the fight against breast cancer here and here.

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